Purchase Order History Purge

Total Order Plus accumulates important invoice data into multiple history files on a daily basis. The files are of a dynamic, multi-keyed structure, which means they continue to increase in size and should be purged on some kind of a time table. In the Business Basis language, there is a maximum file size limit. If a file reaches the maximum, you will not be able to access the file or to down size it to it’s current size. As the file capacity increases, the size of the hard drive decreases as well.

The Purchase Order History Purge program is located on the PM Options Menu. To access the purge programs, type ?PM at the TOP Main Menu and Select F. P/O PO History. You will be asked for an ending date to purge. All purchase orders older than the date entered will be purged.

The Purchase Order History display program is on the Purchase Order Options Menu. There are also hard copy print programs on the Purchase Order Report Menu.
