How To Access Your Backup Server

Customers with backup file servers need to make sure their automatic nightly backup is working properly. Weather, electrical outages or spikes, etc. can all affect the main file server and at the same time the backup server. Without checking on the situation at least once a week, there is no guarantee that you data is being transferred.

We recommend that you do a shutdown on the two file servers at least once a month. There is a certain procedure you need to use to shutdown both servers and in this order:

Shutdown the main file server and leave it at the ‘Press Any Key to Reboot’ message  ->   Shutdown the backup server,  ->  Reboot the backup server  ->  Reboot  the main server

To toggle back and forth between the two servers follow these instructions:

Press the Scroll Lock key twice  ->  Press the Up Arrow key to access the backup server login. The message SCO OpenServer Release (top2) will display on the backup server as the login prompt so you know you are on the correct server. You can login as root to do the shutdown from the # prompt.

Press the Scroll Lock key twice -> Press the Down Arrow key to return to the main server.


To see if the data on the backup server is current with the main server, you can login on the backup server and look at invoice history or the date on the Order Entry Menu.

Another way to access the backup server is to login on the main server as root. At the # prompt, enter telnet to get to the backup server login.