Adjust A/P Open Invoice

The Open Invoice Data Entry selection on the Accounts Payable Invoice and Manual Check Menu can be used to adjust invoice dates and make adjustments to invoice amounts.

Enter the vendor code or ? to insert the vendor from the display window
Enter the invoice number or ? to insert the invoice number from the display window
‘Is This An Invoice Adjustment?’ (Y)es or (N)o? -> Press Y to continue


The invoice dates, terms, purchase order number, memo and invoice amounts displays on your screen.

‘Is The Data Correct?’ (Y)es or (N)o?

Type N to edit the invoice amount -> Enter the amount of the adjustment


You can adjust the entire amount or a partial amount. The
amount must be a negative amount. If you are adjusting a credit
invoice, the amount would be positive.

The General Ledger distribution will display on the bottom of your
Press Enter to accept the line number assigned by the system
Press Enter to accept the expense account(s) displayed that was on the original invoice.


Multiple General Ledger account numbers can be distributed.
For example, you may want to adjust only the amount of freight.

Run the Invoice Data Entry Register and Update to complete the process.