How to Create a QR Code file

There are multiple software applications that can be used to create a QR (Quick Response) code file with an extension of png (Portible Network Graphics). Click on the link below and select one of the options.

Once you select one of the options, you will be asked for your company name and address, email address and the URL for your website. Once the information is entered, you will have the option to create the QR file and the option to save it to your PC.

The png file must be converted to a file that can be used in Total Order Plus on the invoice format 1 (using UnForm Version 7.0 and above). There may be other options on the Internet to convert the file but we use our UnForm vendor’s website and select the Image Conversion option. The converter will create 2 pdf files and 2 pcl files into a zip file. You can save the zip file on your PC and perform the unzip command.

Each file type has a portrait version and a landscape version. You will need to rename the pcl files to prn extensions. For example, you can use COMPANY NAME_QR.PRN and COMPANY NAME_QR.pdf as the file names (.pdf must be in lower case). These files must be located in the TOP/GRAPHICS folder in Total Order Plus.


You can use the initials of your company name to keep it simple. For example, Mindware Corporation of America uses MCA_QR.PRN and MCA_QR.pdf.