How to Remove the BackupEdge schedule.lck file(s)

When BackupEdge begins a scheduled Job, it checks for the existence of a lock file called /usr/lib/edge/lists/(jobname)/schedule.lck. If this file exists, it assumes that another instance of the Job is currently running, and terminates without beginning a backup. An appropriate email message is sent to the user designated to receive failure notifications. If the /usr/lib/edge/lists/(jobname)/schedule.lck file does not exist, BackupEdge creates it. If a backup terminates properly, with either a pass or fail status, the schedule.lck file is automatically deleted. If the file is not deleted prior to the next scheduled backup, it will create an additional lock file schedule.lck00, etc. until the lock files are removed.

Login:   root

Password superXXX

To remove the lock files, you can enter this command:

cd  /usr/lib/edge/lists/(jobname)  (i.e.  A, TOP, TOP_DATA001, etc.)

To list the files and see if there are multiple lock files, enter this command:

ls   -l

Remove the lock file(s) using this command:

rm  schedule.lck  schedule.lck00, etc.

Type exit to return to the login prompt.